date:2022-08-03 10:14:22editor:

from july 27 to 29, the event "2022 african diplomats visit the pilot zone for in-depth china-africa economic and trade cooperation" was held in changsha, hunan province, china.

29 diplomatic envoys from 15 african countries, namely algeria, ethiopia, angola, ghana, cote d'ivoire, kenya, rwanda, madagascar, malawi, mauritius, mozambique, south africa, nigeria, tanzania and uganda, visited hunan for exchanges and interactions.

the morning of july 28 witnessed the holding of the promotion conference for china (hunan) - africa economic and trade cooperation & the pilot zone for in-depth china-africa economic and trade cooperation.

the promotion conference [photo via the department of commerce of hunan province]

at the conference, 14 china-africa economic and trade cooperation agreements and projects were signed, covering regional cooperation, strategic partnerships, project financing, investment cooperation and trade procurement, with a total value of around usd 170 million.

the departments of commerce of six provinces, namely shanxi, anhui, jiangxi, henan, hubei and hunan, signed the agreement among the commercial departments of the six central provinces on joint promotion of economic and trade cooperation with africa, jointly promoting the implementation of china-africa cooperation "nine projects" initiative, and contributing the part of china's central provinces to the building of a china-africa community with a shared future in the new era.

during the three-day event, sub-activities such as african agricultural import forum and african characteristic products import promotion matchmaking meeting will be held one after another. meanwhile, african diplomatic envoys to china will jointly visit the core areas and key enterprises of the pilot zone for in-depth china-africa economic and trade cooperation, and conduct "one-to-one" matchmaking and negotiation with key enterprises of china-africa cooperation in hunan province, with the aim to further enhance china-africa economic and trade cooperation.
